Sunday, November 11, 2007

yo its vince

Oh it feels good to start a new blog. Good is not exactly the word I've been throwing around recently... midterms with only one week in between does that to you. But, enough of all that melodramatic stuff... You could say that I've been suckered in by the uh-mazing skills of gil-arenas and rod benson's blogs. I get such a kick out of reading their blogs just because 1) they are straight up funny and 2) they have such amusing content to write about since they're pro-basketball players... I'll have the worst day of my life (and believe me I've had some saywhat? kinda days recently) then I'll mosey on over to gil's blog or benson's blog and boomshakalaka I'll get such a kick that I'll forget that life is killing me... no not really (life is good).
so first of all, for all you who don't know who I am, I am not a professional basketball player... so cut me some slack. yeah, maybe i did once aspire to be the first legit asian rep in the NBA... but, somewhere in between Yao Ming (i sure hope you know who that is) and realizing that asians just don't cut it if they aren't min. 7 feet tall, I put two and two together and knew it wasn't happening. So, with all that good stuff out in open, I'm not going to have the fall-outta-your chair kinda stuff that they have, but I'll do my best. (btw, yes I do fall out of my chair laughing sometimes and no it does not hurt) second, as great as my ebonic skills are... it's just not the same coming outta an asian guy.... so i'll stick with what i know. anyways, if this blog serves any purpose whatsoever, I hope that it would give you a good o' kick because ppl are way too up tight these days.
alright i'm done for now... but before i leave i just need to say this....
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! OHHH Sdflkj! Okay i'm done... the colts just got beat and the chargers almost self-destructed. I actually don't care much for the chargers, or the colts except for the fact that my fantasy team has peyton and addai. yeah i know i just got shafted this week.... 6 ints from the Manning v.2 and 56 yds from JA ain't gonna cut it.

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