Tuesday, November 13, 2007

one size does not fit all

it is a rarity when i find clothes that fit well. i'm not talking about aesthetics here, because that's a whole different story; i'm talking about fitting in terms of size. as i walk around campus i see tons of asians that share the same problem. so i've concluded that 1) they don't care that their jeans are all ripped up and that their sweatshirts are like ponchos 2) they actually like big clothes (believe me there are ppl out there like that) or, like me 3) they can't find clothes that fit, as much as they would like. the more i think about this peculiarity, the more i realize it is probably the 3rd reason. aside from the g-unit constituency and those that would like to think that they are black, how many people actually like their jeans dragging halfway across the floor?
i'm telling you asians are the forgotten race. see, they are for the most part smaller and lighter than most african americans, caucasians, etc... but probably not hispanics. i'm not trying to be p.c. here, because i probably crossed that line a while ago... so if you are of the naturally "bigger" races, you can shop in any adult section no problem. medium, large, extra large, yeah you know the deal. okay now you are gonna say, what about hispanics, don't they have it worse than asians? yes and no. yes they probably do, given that they are GENERALLY shorter than asians, but if they have found the solution that i have so cleverly deduced then no they do not have it worse than asians. two words, juniors' section. ding dong. case closed. asians, mind you, are small but not that small.
i'm going to go out on a limb here and say that asian males have it the worst. okay asian females can at least go to the petite section... tell me if i am wrong but i have never seen a petite section for guys and i think it would be a bit strange if there was such a thing.
i say that asian males are of the lowest status in society today. yeah yeah maybe you could argue that some other race&gender has it worst, but common we are talking about the bottom feeders here. no need to argue.
i've seen plenty of asian sheladies with white guys, black guys, whatever guys, you name it. but asian males? don't even get me started. unless the said asian guy has a buttmunching load of money, or some other compelling factor, he will probably have no choice but to take what he can get.
as much as this seems like a whole lotta complaining, i don't really care because it is. maybe you could offer me an example of an anomaly here or there, but for the most part this is pretty rock solid stuff.
people just don't care enough about asian guys to manufacture clothes that actually fit. unless your body goes against all odds and you are a seven-foot-beastly-asian like yao or something i'm not sure there's much hope. believe me, it's not about the status persay... i'd just like to find clothes that fit and aren't outrageously priced.
so for all y'all asian fell-ahs out there (who are in the fivefootsomethin-please-another-couple-inches range), just throw your hands up in the air because i have nothing to tell you but dealll son!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

*throws hand up in the air*
yeah, its bogus. i can't find any jeans that fit my height. society is racist and it all stems from scientific racism and eugenics. taller is better. wheres the love for the short chinese kids?