Monday, November 12, 2007

Trusty ol' shirt

My dad has this shirt and it's yellow. Kinda like the bright yellow that makes your eyes tear up cuz it's so yellow. Anyways, when i was a kid every time my dad got mad... he was wearing that same ol' shirt. you know on those saturday mornings when it's just you and your dad cuz your mom went out to the supermarket or something... and that's bad enough cuz you didn't practice your violin or you got a B+ and you needed a parent signature? yeah, well think about that for a second. ok good. so if you are asian you'd most likely see your dad put on a good ol' trusty shirt to do some chores. if your dad is anything like my dad, it would be the same shirt week in and week out. my dad would usually bust out this neon yellow shirt and whenever i'd wake up and see him wearing it, i'd know to stay away... far far away, just until he took the shirt off.
So, more about the shirt. If the brightness of the shirt wasn't bad enough, the fact that my dad's face would turn so red when he found out i did something wrong would just top it off. man, just think of a big ol' red stop sign and one of those yellow caution up ahead signs. yeah that was what it was like. you had to see it though... man those were the days. i think a while back i told my dad about this observation of mine and he's consciously avoided that shirt.

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