Thursday, December 6, 2007

IBD'S 10 secrets to success

i came across this recently...

investor's business daily's 10 secrets to success
1) how you think is everything - always be positive. think success, not failure. beware of a negative environment
2) decide upon your true dreams and goals - write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them
3) take action - goals are nothing without action. don't be afraid to get started. just do it.
4) never stop learning - go back to school or read books. get training and acquire skills.
5) be persistent and work hard - success is a marathon, not a sprint. never give up.
6) learn to analyze details - get all the facts, all the input. learn from your mistakes.
7) focus your time and money - don't let other people or things distract you.
8) don't be afraid to innovate; be different - following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity
9) deal and communicate with ppl effectively - no person is an island. learn to understand and motivate others
10) be honest and dependable; take responsibility - otherwise nos. 1-9 won't matter

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i'm critical of the madisonian overtones of any economically driven notion of "success" in two ways.

one, western philosophy is all about rugged individualism (particularly, a reference to #8 and the individualistic connotations of #9.."deal with people). why can't we talk about success in terms of the corporate and the community instead of "me, me, me?" after all, it is Christian; even the bible is almost always written in a corporate context.

two, why is money the answer to everything (if not an end, even a means to "dreams and goals")? a terrifying implication of the "10 secrets" is the notion that we all have equal opportunity and that all you have to do in life is work hard. "you have to earn it." this is undoing of unregulated capitalism--meritocracy. the invisible hand of economics blesses the abundantly resourced and leaves the under resourced empty handed. so much for "equal opportunity." Madison avenue wins out, time and time again, i suppose. Even mosaic law recognizes unequal opportunity as a reality with the efforts to redistribute wealth and resources (the sabbatical year, the year of jubilee, laws on tithing and gleaning).

be cautious of unbiblical notions of "success." the chinese church hastily adopts fallacious teachings of a Western, white church--a unsightly example of hte white captivity of the church. haha, here we go with Third World liberation theology...